2024 Lembeh

Lembeh Strait is one of the best macro destinations in the world.  We spent 9 days in the beautiful resort Dive Into Lembeh, with a deep dive workshop into macro photography.  Organized by Byron Conroy, he provided presentations and skills practice with great productive feedback.

Lembeh Strait’s muck diving offers encounters with amazing species such as frog fish, coconut octopus, blue ring octopus, mantis shrimps and seahorses.

Coconut octopus
Juvenile pufferfish
Dwarf lionfish
Ambon scorpionfish
Weedy scorpionfish
Coconut octopus with bokeh background
Coconut octopus
Blue ring octopus
Flamboyant cuttlefish
Hairy frogfish
Seahorses are largely solitary creatures, aside from mating.
Although they are fish, seahorses are not great swimmers. Seahorses prefer to rest in one area, sometimes holding on to the same coral or seaweed for days.
Pygmy seahorses grow to an average size of 1/2 to 1 inch (1.25 to 2.5 cm).
Snake eel
Emperor Shrimp

While Tor was tasked with photo exercises, I spent my time playing with a GoPro: